Raise a Voice

Bristol Youth Choir sings Raise a Voice by Toby Young and Jennifer Thorp. This is the title song from ‘Raise a Voice: A Rebellious Songbook for our Time’ to be premiered in November in its entirety in November 2021 to coincide with the COP26 Climate Change Conference. The choir is directed by the Bristol Choral Centre team, Jenna Brown, Elinor Cooper, Lucy Hughes, Martin Le Poidevin and David Ogden. The pianist is Sandie Middleton. Bristol Youth Choir is a Bristol Beacon Young Company in Residence. This innovative choral piece for adult and youth choirs to perform together uses accessible and moving music to transcend boundaries of age, class and gender in celebrating diverse and powerful voices in the fight against climate change.

#COP26 #climatechange #madeinbristol #choir #youthchoir #singing #raiseavoice #skolstrejkförklimatet #tobyyoung #jenniferthorp #davidogden #bristolyouthchoir https://twitter.com/brisyouthchoir
