Sunday 11th – Friday 16th August, Prague, Czech Republic
David conducts the RSCM Millennium Youth Choir in three concerts in Prague, Teplice and Jičín during the choir’s Summer Course tour of the Czech Republic. The choir, accompanied by organist Daniel Moult, will also sing Mass and give a recital at St Vitus’ Cathedral in Prague. Vocal coach Hilary Llystyn Jones will work with the singers alongside David on the tour.
Monday 12 August at 7pm – Concert in Church of St John the Baptist, Teplice
Tuesday 13 August at 7pm – Concert the Church of St Igantius, Jičín
Wednesday 14 August at 6pm – Concert in the Church of the Holy Saviour, Prague
Thursday 15 August at 6pm – Sung Mass in St Vitus’ Cathedral, Prague